Citizens of the following countries may call the following disaster hotlines
to check on the status of a lost loved one:
Australia: 1-800-002-214
Britain: 020-7008-0000
Canada: 613-944-2471 or 1-800-606-5499
France: 0800-174-174
Germany: +49-30-5000-1000
India: +91 11 2309 3054
Italy: 063691-5551 or 063691-5552
Maldives: +44-20-7224-2149
New Zealand: 0800-733-276
Sweden: +46-8/405-41-00
Sri Lanka: +94-11-536-1938 and +94-11-243-7061
Thailand: +66-2643-5262 and 2643-5000
Thailand, Phucket: +66-76-240-729; +66-76-216-118; +66-76-223-141
United States: 1-888-407-4747
If you or someone you know is suicidal because of the tsuanmi (or for any reason)
please click below for immediate help:
Prevent Suicide