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Tsunami Uncovers Ancient Indian City

A diver explores the ruins
A diver explores the ruins

A large stone lion, one of the artifacts found at the site
A large stone lion,
one of the artifacts found at the site

February 27, 2005

by Kevin Caruso

Stone structures that are “clearly man-made” and apparently part of an ancient city are being explored by divers off the southern coast of India.

The divers are part of an archaeological survey.

The strucures were spotted by residents as the ocean water receded just before the tsunami struck.

"We've found some stone structures which are clearly man-made," said Alik Tripathi, the expedition leader. "They're perfect rectangular blocks, arranged in a clear pattern."

Officials believe that the structures could be from the 7th century coastal city of Mahabaliuram.

Photos Courtesy of AP
Copyright © AP

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