Tsunamis.com - Tsunamis.com

Tsunamis.com is a NON-PROFIT Suicide.org website

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You are Suicidal

Tsunami Charities Information

Tsunami News

Missing People

Tsunami E-mail and Website Scams

What is a Tsunami?

December 26, 2004 Tsunami

Tsunami Pictures



Please Click Here
To Help the
Tsunami Victims

Tsunami Pictures -- Page 17


Please be advised that some of the tsunami pictures may be disquieting to view.

They depict the horrible reality of the tsunami disaster.

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Two missing children
Lost in the tsunami -- two missing children

A missing girl
Lost in the tsunami -- a missing girl

A missing boy
Lost in the tsunami -- a missing boy

A missing girl
Lost in the tsunami -- a missing girl

A missing boy
Lost in the tsunami -- a missing boy

A missing girl
Lost in the tsunami -- a missing girl

A missing boy
Lost in the tsunami -- a missing boy

A missing girl
Lost in the tsunami -- a missing girl

A missing boy
Lost in the tsunami -- a missing boy

A missing girl
Lost in the tsunami -- a missing girl

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Please Click Here to Help the Tsunami Victims NOW

Photos Courtesy of AP, Reuters, Digital Globe, and Others
Copyright © AP, Reuters, Digital Globe, and Others

If you or someone you know is suicidal because of the tsunami,
please click below for immediate help:


Copyright © Kevin Caruso and Tsunamis.com
