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December 26, 2004 Tsunami

Tsunami Pictures



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Tsunami Pictures -- Page 20


Please be advised that some of the tsunami pictures may be disquieting to view.

They depict the horrible reality of the tsunami disaster.

Please scroll below to view the pictures on this page, or click below to go to a specific page:

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A woman and her son rest in their makeshift shelter
A woman and her son rest in their makeshift shelter

Three boys walk through the destruction
Three boys walk through the destruction

A wounded girl receives treatment
A wounded girl receives treatment

Children in pray
Children pray

Children run to get some bottles of water
Children run to get some bottles of water

A mother gives water to her son
A mother gives water to her son

A boy rests after receiveing his water
A boy rests after receiveing his water

An exhasted mother and son rest together
An exhasted mother and son rest together

A young girl carries her baby goat on her back
A young girl carries her baby goat on her back

A sign of hope -- babies born after the tsunami
A sign of hope -- babies born after the tsunami

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Please Click Here to Help the Tsunami Victims NOW

Photos Courtesy of AP, Reuters, Digital Globe, and Others
Copyright © AP, Reuters, Digital Globe, and Others

If you or someone you know is suicidal because of the tsunami,
please click below for immediate help:


Copyright © Kevin Caruso and Tsunamis.com
