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December 26, 2004 Tsunami

Tsunami Pictures



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Tsunami Pictures -- Page 3


Please be advised that some of the tsunami pictures may be disquieting to view.

They depict the horrible reality of the tsunami disaster.

Please scroll below to view the pictures on this page, or click below to go to a specific page:

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Medical personnel tend to the wounded in Thailand
Medical personnel tend to the the wounded in Thailand

Flooded coast in Thailand
Flooded coast in Thailand.
Note that the palm trees are almost completely under water.

Destroyed houses in Kolachal-India
Destroyed houses in Kolachal, India

A submerged car in Thailand
A submerged car in Thailand

Cars pushed against a building in Thailand
Cars pushed against a building in Thailand

A displaced car and debris in a flooded area of Thailand
A car and debris in a flooded area of Thailand

A van that was pushed into a swimming pool in Thailand
A van that was pushed into a swimming pool in Thailand

A truck that was pushed off the road in Thailand
A truck that was pushed off the road in Thailand

A destroyed car and houses in India
A destroyed car and houses in India

A young boy mourns the loss of his mother
A young boy mourns the loss of his mother

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Photos Courtesy of AP, Reuters, Digital Globe, and Others
Copyright © AP, Reuters, Digital Globe, and Others

If you or someone you know is suicidal because of the tsunami,
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Copyright © Kevin Caruso and Tsunamis.com
